Sunday, April 23, 2006

How to Laugh in the Face of Rejection

Today I am releasing a new and controversial breakthrough
solution to the one problem that most people hope will go
away all by itself.

Find out why this will make such a big difference to so
many people. Click here now:


Peter Murphy

Monday, January 02, 2006

The Reason Why Communication Success is an Inside Job

What I am going to talk about today is quite personal. By
sharing a personal story I hope you will grasp just why
excellent communication skills are not just a nice to have
-- these skills are essential if you are to get what you
deserve and need for yourself and those you care about.

Let me explain...

I just got off the phone with my friend Kim. She had good
news and bad news. The good news first - her mother has
just got the all clear from the hospital and is now clear
of breast cancer. The procedure was a success.

The bad news, her mother has an aggressive form of cancer.
The really bad news... the doctor told her to come back in
6 months. That´s right, because of hospital budgets and
management policies they have no intention of keeping a
close eye on her situation. They have no plans to do
anything unless and until symptoms reoccur.

Kim heard this and hit the roof. She rushed to the hospital
and met with the doctor. She then discussed the seriousness
of her mothers condition and asked the doctor for help and

She then went one step further - she got the doctor to try
harder and to commit to getting her mother the best
treatment possible. Kim used charm, persuasion and
personality to win over the doctor.

What´s interesting about all this is that if Kim had not
spoken up her mother would not now be benefiting from the
dedicated and committed attention of the hospital.

Kim´s mother would be one more victim of a resource
strapped health care system - forgotten about and left
untreated when she needs it the most.

What is the big lesson for you and I?

When you know how to make a great impression good things
happen; when you can win people over resources are at your
disposal that others do without; when you can stand up and
be counted even with the pressure on, people listen to you.
Others want to be with you and they are more than happy to
help you get what you want.

We live in busy hectic times and those who speak up and
know how to win peoples attention, confidence and support
dominate in business. These same people also enjoy full and
happy social lives. These individuals are popular,
respected, liked and appreciated by their friends.

Life is not fair. You are much more likely to get what you
want if you go and ask for what you want.... and especially
if people like and respect you.

Those who remain passive and unsure end up getting what is
left over. They take what they can get.

The funny thing is your life does not need to be like this.
You CAN get what you want. But first you need to discover
how the game is really played. You need to realize that
success with people is an inside job.

When you see smiling, confident, dynamic people you see
those who have mastered the inner game of communication
confidence. They know how to feel great about themselves,
they know how to transfer this charisma to whoever they

People like Kim...

She know how to step up and make people respond to her
requests. Even under pressure, even in a life and death
situation she can calmly and confidently ask for and get
what is needed. And thankfully her mother will now live
longer to enjoy her grandchildren.

You can do the same...

Don't hesitate or give a halfhearted effort in finding a
way to increase your people skills. You can change your
life and now is the time to start.

Communicating with confidence can be learned...

Find a proven formula and follow it. You will be amazed at
how quickly you will progress. Although some people fear
otherwise, exceptional people skills can be learned by
anyone of at least average intelligence.

The difficulties you had in the past will not stop you
making rapid progress now. What matters is learning a
proven approach you can use for the rest of your life.

I did it.

It took me many years to figure out a fool proof
formula anyone can use. Are there any short cuts to
learning exceptional people skills?

There certainly are.

Get out your copy of my proven system and start applying
the lessons, one at a time. Take a little each day and you
will be stunned by your progress.

Take it for a 365 day test drive at:

Remember, this is a course that requires you to put the
strategies into action in your daily life. Do that and your
success is assured.

Reserve your place here:

Your Friend,

Peter Murphy

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently
revealed the secret strategies all high achievers use to
communicate with charm and impact. The same techniques you
can use to overcome shyness, develop great conversation
skills and build self-confidence.

Click here now to test this simple step-by-step system:

Start your 365 day trial today.

P.S. the key to greater success and happiness in life is
simple - make new friends, develop new contacts, help
others and let others help you. Without better people
skills we all get stuck where we are.