Thursday, January 27, 2005

4 Simple Tips to Strengthen Communication Skills

4 Simple Tips to Strengthen Communication Skillsby Peter Murphy

Remember the days when solo projects and independent work were the norm and no one really considered that you might need to develop your communication skills?

When communication was by letter, and conversation through correspondence required little eye contact and required days and even weeks to complete?

Today, with new technology and the emphasis on teamwork in the workplace, communication skills are a most important trait to develop.

The phrase “communication skills” might sound frightening, like developing quantum physics skills or gymnastic skills. Communication skills, however, encompass a few behaviors that can become very natural with practice.

Here are some guidelines for developing good communication skills that you can practice anywhere and at anytime:

1: Eye Contact.

Whether you are speaking or being spoken to, looking into the eyes of the person you are in conversation with can make the experience much more successful.

Eye contact conveys interest, and encourages your partner to
be interested in you in return. In less intimate settings, when giving a speech or when in front of several people, holding the eyes of different members of your audience can personalize what you are saying and maintain attention.

2: Body Language.

Body language can say so much more than a mouthful of words.

An open stance with arms easily to your side tells anyone you are talking to that you are approachable and open to hearing what they have to say.

Arms crossed and shoulders hunched, on the other hand, suggests disinterest in conversation or unwillingness to communicate.

Often, communication can be stopped before it starts by body language that tells people you do not want to talk. Good posture and an approachable stance can make even difficult conversations flow more smoothly.

3. Have courage to say what you think!

Communication skills begin with simple communication. You do not have to discourse of difficult topics to communicate.

Take time each day to be aware of your opinions and feelings. When you are aware of what you believe on a certain issue, you can better convey those thoughts to others.

Individuals who are hesitant to speak because they do not feel they have worthwhile opinions need not fear: what is important or worthwhile to one person may not be to another and may be more so to someone else.

In a world so very big, someone is bound to agree with you, or to open your eyes to an even deeper perspective. The courage to say what you think can afford you the opportunity to learn more than you did before.

4. Speak loudly enough to be heard.

When you are saying what you think, have the confidence to say it so as to be heard.

An appropriate volume can inform listeners that you mean what you say, you have thought about what you are saying, and what you are saying is worth hearing. An appropriate tone and volume ensure your listeners hear exactly what you are saying, and decreases room for misunderstanding.

Communication skills can be practiced every day in settings that range from the more social to the more professional.

While some people feel the need to take a special college course on communications, or to attend community lectures on giving speeches, you might find that these simple behavior tips can open up new communication opportunities to you.

New skills take time to refine, but each time you use your communication skills you open yourself to opportunities and future friendships.

For more free communication skills tips click here now:

3 Tips to Overcome Shyness

3 Tips to Overcome Shyness by Peter Murphy

You can overcome shyness with these three simple steps. Every year, people the world over decide to pick characteristics about themselves to improve before
the next year begins.

These resolutions, from losing weight to getting that fabulous job you’ve always wanted, can afford a sense of purpose or inspiration for healthy life choices.

There are some, however, who choose a very difficult task for themselves: the task of overcoming shyness.

Shyness is the term given to feelings of anxiety or discomfort in social settings, and to the inability of a person to engage or interact fully with others. Shyness comes in various degrees and with different symptoms.

If you have vowed to be less shy here are some important tips to encourage your success!

#1. Be your own best friend.

Mental Health professionals tell us that any behavioral change requires support. Because the nature of a shy person is not to seek out or elicit attention from others, they often feel they have to fight their battle alone.

In the absence of a caring support group, you can nurture yourself with positive affirmations repeated daily. Be honest with yourself about all of the good qualities you have. A familiar adage says “you cannot love another until you love yourself”.

Positive interactions with others are more natural if you know how to have a positive interaction with yourself first.

#2. Leave comparisons behind.

A shy person tends never to be very conceited. On the other hand, a shy person also does not always have a firm grasp on self-esteem.

Excuses for not talking such as “I didn’t have anything important to say” or “Other people knew more than me and I did not want to seem silly” are self-defeating.

When you look at other people, you see only the good side they allow everyone to see. People do not tend to wear their hurt or worry on their sleeves, but that does not mean they do not exist.

As you are working to overcome shyness, try to remember that everyone is human. The life of the party is no more or less a person than the quietest guest. This even playing field affords respect for all comments and participants – even your own.

#3. Practice makes better.

There is no cure for shyness. At one point in your life, shyness may have benefited you because of circumstances you were dealing with at the time.

However, as you have made the decision to break free from shyness, it is important to look for little ways to practice being your more outgoing self. Talk with friends about new topics.

Introduce your own topic. You can begin to test your comfort zone with people you trust, talking to people you are less acquainted with as your confidence grows.

Sharing small bits of information about yourself at a time allows others to learn more about you, and reinforces that others can and will be interested in you.

As you talk with new people, you will learn new things about yourself that can only make thinking of things to say easier in the future.

As with any resolution, overcoming shyness will take a lot of time and dedication. There may be times when you feel more vulnerable than you would prefer, but these moments might offer you a chance to bond with another facing a similar challenge.

A positive attitude and patience with yourself will make all the difference in overcoming shyness as you emerge from your shell and into the company of people who are excited to get to know you.

For more free tips to help you overcome shyness click here now:

The Secret To Better Conversation Skills

The Secret To Better Conversation Skills
by Peter Murphy

Conversation is an important skill in almost every
situation. Whether it’s on the job, with spouse or
children, in a social setting or everyday life,
conversation is important.

It’s the way we communicate with others and often is then
the way we are seen or perceived by others. Honing your
conversation skills will allow you to feel more at
ease when conversing with others and will help you say what
you really want to convey.

1. Think about your tone, it should be pleasing, not too
loud or too soft.

If you are talking too loudly you might be considered an
unpleasant conversationalist and who will want to talk to

If you are speaking too softly and people have to strain to
hear you, they might get tired of trying to listen.

2. Think about some things you might need or want to say
before you are at that job interview or party.

It will be helpful to think this through and even practice
out loud. You will come across as being confident and

3. Don’t feel you need to dominate a conversation.

Even if you are quite charming it won’t be long before
others are weary of hearing the same voice.

There used to be a rule about conversation in certain
African tribes. When a person rose to speak they were
required to stand on one foot while speaking. As soon as
the other foot touched the ground, their turn was over.
Keep this in mind.

4. How will you handle unpleasant conversations?

What will you do if you are criticized or if someone
disagrees with you? Think of ways to face these
situations before they happen.

If you can remain calm and fairly pleasant during the tough
talks you will improve your conversation skills. You will
also earn a reputation as someone who can easily be talked

5. Think of your last embarrassing conversation.

How did you do? Could there be improvement? If the answer
is "yes" begin by figuring out why the conversation
was embarrassing.

Let’s say someone asked you when you are planning to have
children. Even though this may not be anyone’s business how
do you want to respond?

You do have choices. You can be funny, charming, rude or
elusive. Again, plan ahead for some of these questions and
decide how you want to react.

6. One of the most important parts of communication is
listening. It’s a gift and a skill, one that you can
develop if it doesn’t come easily for you.

There once was a woman who thought she had a hearing
problem, even her friends told her she couldn’t hear.

Often she would ask them to repeat parts of a conversation.
Finally after several months she made an appointment with
an audiologist.

The doctor decided to forego the newest technology and use
his favorite, less techno approach. He held his pocket
watch up and asked the woman if she could hear the ticking.

She could so the doctor got up and walked behind the woman
and asked if she could still hear the watch ticking. She
could with no problem.

The doctor continued this test by moving further and
further away from the woman and each time she could hear
the ticking of the watch. After the doctor finished the
testing he told the woman that her hearing was fine but she
needed some help with her listening. Don’t forget to listen
because it is essential for good conversation skills.

Get more free conversation skills tips when you click here:

How to Build Self Confidence

How to Build Self Confidence
by Peter Murphy

You have probably noticed those people at work, school, and
in your daily life that always appear to be self confident
and on top of world.

Everything seems to go right for these people and they
always seem to present themselves as calm,
collected and successful in everything they do.

If you are paying attention you have probably noticed that
these self confident people usually are successful in every
area of their lives. Is this because they are smarter? Or
is it because they have more money? Maybe they are just

The reality is that none of these things are necessarily
true. Self confident people understand the impact of
believing in themselves and relying on their abilities.

This confidence ultimately creates opportunities for
success and with each new success another self
confidence building
block is put into place. Success
builds upon success reinforcing self confidence with each
new achievement.

Self confident people perceive themselves as able to
achieve those things they set out to do and this perception
creates reality in their lives.

Yes, perception creates reality. You can become the person
you want to be. You have heard it said that if you can
believe it you can achieve it.

So start believing in yourself, acting on that belief and
you will start building self confidence in your life.

Here are some helpful tips to build self confidence one
success at a time.

1. Make a list of your strong points.

All the positive things about yourself and the things that
you are good at doing. Think of compliments you have
received or things that come easily to you. It doesn’t
matter what it is, if it’s good, write it down.

2. Choose two of those things that you want to work on to
improve even more.

It’s important to succeed and by concentrating on the areas
you are already good at you will have a better chance of
becoming even more sure of yourself. Remember that success
builds upon success.

3. Exude confidence even if you don’t feel like it.

Talk to yourself in an encouraging way and stay away from
negative thoughts and people as you can.

Instead surround yourself with positive, confident, and
successful people. This will become a habit and one that
will build confidence.

4. Look at yourself in a different way than you are used to

It can change your life and help your confidence level to
rise. See yourself as the self confident person you want to
be and before you know it you will become that person.

If you have a set-back do not let it get the best of you.
Remember the times when you exhibited self confidence and
how good it felt and then try again and each time will help
you to build confidence and confidence building will become
a way of life.

For more free confidence building tips click here: