Thursday, December 16, 2004

Listen Up and Learn How To Communicate

Listen Up and Learn How To Communicate
by Peter Murphy

If you do not know how to communicate, you're not alone. A large percentage of the world's population does not know how to communicate effectively to attract friends and interest other people. Sometimes this is not due to a lack of desire to learn how to communicate, but may be because of other influences such as genuine physical or emotional problems.

The absence of keen hearing can greatly decrease one's ability to communicate. The process of learning to speak begins when we are only a few months old, and if a child cannot hear, he or she cannot mimic the sounds it hears; thus, the child cannot learn how to communicate.

The brain is a powerful factor in learning how to communicate. The brain hears sounds that travel through the ear which are then transformed into information that becomes words. When a disorder in the hearing process is present, no sound travels through the ear and the brain cannot interpret information it does not receive. Words may be heard but they are not processed in a normal manner. If you or a loved one are affected by a hearing disorder, you should seek a professional evaluation and help.

Another reason for failure to learn how to communicate is speech impairment, which can result in no or ineffective communication skills. Stuttering is perhaps the most serious impairment, followed by difficulty in articulation, which results in sounds that are incorrect or inappropriate. There is a difference between difficulty in articulation (dysarthria) and a problem in producing language (aphasia).

Voice disorders such as quality, loudness and pitch can occur that will cause communication problems. A voice is produced when air from the lungs pushes past the vocal cords, causing them to vibrate and produce sound. The voice box (larynx) must have vibrations from the vocal cords; without it there is no speech. There are millions of people in the United States alone who have voice problems involving quality, loudness and pitch. Further, people who previously were excellent communicators lost this ability when damage occurred to their vocal equipment.

When normal speech patterns are absent, learning how to communicate via voice is difficult if not impossible, and an alternative method of communication such as sign language or writing must be used.

The development of proper speech is an ongoing process that can go on for years or a lifetime. Coordinated muscles in the neck, chest, head, and abdominal area produce speech. Many children are diagnosed with speech disorders (origins unknown) by the time they are in the first grade. There are many reasons for speech disabilities that can be traced to mental retardation or emotional, developmental, and psychiatric conditions.

As mentioned earlier, stuttering is a debilitating condition for many; there are an estimated more than 15 million stutterers in the world, which sometimes causes the person to become agitated, embarrassed or ridiculed. Persons with speech disorders can be helped in learning how to communicate; they should seek professional help.

Learning how to communicate depends largely upon the use of language. The proper use of language can convey many different moods and expressions such as explaining feelings, sharing knowledge, and expressing sadness, anger, happiness, grumpiness, elation and enthusiasm. There are many people who do not know how to communicate because of language impediments. A language disorder occurs when language usage is not developed. Physical disabilities such as brain tumors, strokes, head injuries or dementia can cause impairment of language usage. Childhood can be the beginning of language disabilities because of hearing problems, autism, etc.

Whatever the reasons for the inability to learn how to communicate, help is available on-line, with self-help books and through the use of a professional counselor, speech therapist or other specialist. If you are one of the millions who do not know how to communicate with others, you are urged to seek help.

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently
revealed the secret strategies all high achievers use to
communicate with charm and impact. The same techniques you
can use to overcome shyness, develop great conversation
skills and build self-confidence.

Click here now to test this simple step-by-step system:

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