Monday, September 06, 2004

If You Want Exceptional Communication Skills - Here is the

Why is it so rare that you can talk to people and let your
personality shine?

Sometimes you have plenty to say and not for a moment do
you hesitate when it comes to expressing your opinions.

Starting conversations is easy, keeping them going is a
breeze and knowing what to say is second nature to you.


At other times you feel shy or uncomfortable speaking up,
you worry about how people will react to what you say and
you get stuck for words.

Keeping the conversation going feels incredibly difficult
and you feel awkward and even self-conscious.

It is like you have become a completely different person.

What happened to the real you?

I could never understand why I would behave like this until
I found the solution. And then it all made perfect sense.

You see if you can have a good conversation with even one
person in your life you already know how to have a good
conversation with almost anyone you ever meet.

You already know how to start a conversation and how to
keep it going - the problem is that in certain situations
you freeze.

Why do you freeze if you know what to do?

What happens is that you get overly concerned about what
other people think of you. Their approval or lack of
approval becomes such a big issue for you that you get
tense and so nervous that you cannot even think straight.

You need to discover how to fade this need for approval
into the background. So that those feelings that hold you
back fizzle away to nothing.

When this happens you will feel a wonderful sense of
lightness and freedom. It is as if a huge weight has been
lifted from your shoulders. And your sense of relief will
leave you feeling happy and brighter than you can imagine.

Since the summer of 1999 I have been using a breakthrough
approach that will let you eliminate this limiting behavior.

As long as you are open to learning some new ideas - you
can expect a radical change in how you deal with people.

You will put worries about feeling rejected in the past,
say bye to getting overly concerned about what people think
of you and let your true personality come out.

All of these fears can be left behind.

I have had great results with this new approach and I think
you will find it just as valuable.

To find out more go to:

Have Fun,


P.S. At this site you can get a fr*e newsletter as well as
some informative articles.

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